The Western Nevada RC&D Office covers an area of 6 million acres, consisting of three major watersheds – Carson River, Walker River, and the Truckee River watersheds. These watersheds are a mixture of private, state, federal, and tribal lands that are changing rapidly from influences of urban expansion. Resource concerns are dominantly water quantity and quality, watershed conservation and restoration, invasive weeds, risk of wildfire, and the loss of farmland and wildlife habitat to urbanization.
The Western Nevada RC&D office has excellent partnerships and broad-based community support. The RC&D Council includes representatives from three native tribes (Washoe Tribe, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, and Walker River Paiute Tribe), six County governments (Douglas, Lyon, Carson City, Storey, Washoe, and Churchill), three Water districts; and eight Conservation Districts). Dan has received two National NRCS awards and Nevada Congressional awards for his strong leadership in local conservation efforts, as well as over 100 awards and commendations from local partners.
Partners have worked with Dan to implement conservation and educational projects, utilizing thousand of volunteers to get conservation on the ground. An example of this is the Carson River Workdays, which has benefitted from the work of 15,000 volunteers and over 100 organizations to date. The Workday provides an opportunity for volunteers to experience hands-on conservation, while restoring the riparian corridor and environment. In 2007, Dan implemented a similar program for the Walker River and Walker Lake. Over 350 people participated in the Walker River Workdays.
Other projects initialized and coordinated by the Western RC&D include:
Conservation easement partnerships, utilizing NRCS, Federal, State and County programs
Streambank restoration and bioengineering stabilization projects, through NRCS PMC and National Office supported hands-on workshops
The Eagles in Agriculture Program, a popular conservation and educational program and tour to support seasonal migration habitat of bald eagles on agricultural land and to promote conservation easements
Conservation planting and demonstration projects at local schools and community centers
Cultural Resource protection and Historic Preservation projects.
The Western Nevada RC&D’s focus is on watershed-wide conservation and restoration efforts, through working partnerships and volunteerism.
The Western Nevada RC&D office has excellent partnerships and broad-based community support. The RC&D Council includes representatives from three native tribes (Washoe Tribe, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, and Walker River Paiute Tribe), six County governments (Douglas, Lyon, Carson City, Storey, Washoe, and Churchill), three Water districts; and eight Conservation Districts). Dan has received two National NRCS awards and Nevada Congressional awards for his strong leadership in local conservation efforts, as well as over 100 awards and commendations from local partners.
Partners have worked with Dan to implement conservation and educational projects, utilizing thousand of volunteers to get conservation on the ground. An example of this is the Carson River Workdays, which has benefitted from the work of 15,000 volunteers and over 100 organizations to date. The Workday provides an opportunity for volunteers to experience hands-on conservation, while restoring the riparian corridor and environment. In 2007, Dan implemented a similar program for the Walker River and Walker Lake. Over 350 people participated in the Walker River Workdays.
Other projects initialized and coordinated by the Western RC&D include:
Conservation easement partnerships, utilizing NRCS, Federal, State and County programs
Streambank restoration and bioengineering stabilization projects, through NRCS PMC and National Office supported hands-on workshops
The Eagles in Agriculture Program, a popular conservation and educational program and tour to support seasonal migration habitat of bald eagles on agricultural land and to promote conservation easements
Conservation planting and demonstration projects at local schools and community centers
Cultural Resource protection and Historic Preservation projects.
The Western Nevada RC&D’s focus is on watershed-wide conservation and restoration efforts, through working partnerships and volunteerism.